Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving in LR

We had such a great time in Little Rock over Thanksgiving. The trip was interesting but survivable. First class is the way to go with young kids I think. You get such great help to warm a bottle or hold a baby so you can go to the bathroom so that was really nice. We didn't get to enjoy the true excitment of first class (aka drinking and eating) but regardless it went decently. We got to see everyone while we were there, nana and papop, Aunt KK and CC, Uncle Michael and Paul and all the aunts, uncles and cousins (except Cara). Syd had a great time with her cousins. Her and Win were absolutely adorable together and Glynn and Sean took great care of both of the kids and played so great with them. It was sad to leave, made me of course wish we could all be closer so the kids could grow up together. Here are some pics of the trip.

Hanging out with the digi player on the plane.
Chillin with momma while we wait for our connection
Bath time with cousin Win

Hey you have cool shoes, let's walk together

Sissy time at the park

With papop on donut morning

Nana again and again, never stop!

Playhouse fun

Hanging out with my Aunt CC

Everyone could have played for hours outside

Bathtime with all the cousins (minus Ty)

Bribery for love

Neices with Aunt Janie
Great nephews/neice with Aunt Janie

Love to swing
Sean and fav Aunt GG

Park time after photos

Gotta have a snack when you play this much

Coffee for all the long nights :)

Family time at the park

For the love Uncle Michael....

Beautiful little angels!!

Snuggle time with cousin Sean

Hangin with cousin Glynn

Family photo - Thanksgiving

Playtime after all that food

Good job says Sean

Playtime with Uncle Scotty

Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving dinner other side of table

Snacks before dinner

Helping Uncle CR make bloody marys...but of course

Always gotta have a snack when the other snacks

Cute pic with Ty and Aunt Janie
Ty's thanksgiving attire

Playing some beautiful tunes with Aunt KK

What?! We're not doing anything.....nothing to see here


Adam said...

I work as the Director of Marketing for digEcor which produces the digEplayer. That is a wicked cute pic of the baby with the player. I would love to have the rights to use the picture. If you are obliged, will you please contact me at awilliams@digEcor.com? Thanks!

Michelle said...

How fun getting to see everyone! My favorite snap is the one of your and Sean. :)