Wednesday, March 31, 2010

San Diego 0310

What a wonderful trip we had in San Diego. Everything went really great (minus the ER visit for Syd's dislocated elbow). The kids I swear have slept more than been awake since we've been back. It was so fun to hang with Aunt Toni and all our cousins. Makes us all wish we could see eachother more often. We're hoping to see the Atkins though on their road trip this summer!! (do you feel the pressure haha). Enjoy the pics

Nana and Syd filling up time by going through everything in Nana's purse (and no the sunglasses never made it home at least in 1 piece)
Momma and Ty Ty just hanging out together

First day at Aunt Toni's house. She has the coolest police car and even a matching police outfit to match.

Eating with her fav red headed cousin

Snuggles on the couch and if you look to the left corner of the picture you may be able to see the enormous container of Jelly Bellys that we all ate ridiculous amounts of for days and days.

Cousin Suzanne, Linda and Cousin Michelle

Here we are at Sea World. Everyone is sun blocked and hats on ready to explore.

We got to pet sting rays (without stingers) and Syd even petted them. She was so fascinated by these huge creatures.

Reid and I had to regulate the starfish touching. Syd wasn't quite as gentle as the little stars had hoped.

Beachtime!! We could have stayed here all day if someone didn't have to eat, pump or nap but we stayed as long as we could and it was so awesome. Syd ran around, loved the waves although cautious at first and just had a blast. Ty of course had a blast just chillin, he's game for pretty much whatever.

Whoa these waves are hardcore

Daddy and Syd (daddy is cold in this pic, the water was chilly)

So fun!!

Ty after his cat nap at the beach. Nothing better than napping in the sun with the sound of the waves in the background.

Kate dug an awesome hole and Syd "helped" her.

Run run run as fast as you can

Brrr my hat blew off
Momma and little man right before his first toe dip in the Pacific Ocean.

Family photo with no one looking except mom and dad. Shocking I know...

Here we go.....and the reaction....sure whatever I'm chill

Look at those chunky little legs just soaking in the saltwater. He just stared at the water like hmmm not sure what to think about this...

Of course, travel to a new land, must find brewery....check!

Reid tickling Ty's nose with Mr. Alligator's tail. Better than Scary Aunt Toni and her spider like ladybug or the Mr. Alligator that might eat you ;)

Zoo time, had to stop in at Syd's Hangout

At this point in the trip Scott and I were the focus of Syd.

Self portrait

Well if Syd won't wear her hat Ty will wear it haha. Just taking in the zoo craziness.
Nana and the girls

Getting ready to leave the zoo, we are done! Missing Ty's toes there at the bottom of the pic.

All smiles with Cousin Reid

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm so glad you all came down to play. It was sooo much fun. You and Scott have the worlds best kids. Well, next to Kate and Reid. :)