Sunday, August 7, 2011

Crazytown update

July has come and gone and daddy is back to working again.  I will say it was an amazing month having all 5 of us home.  I wish we could win the lottery now so we could make it permanent.  The kids are doing great with Wyatt.  now that daddy is back to work it's a bit of an adjustment for all of us (mommy the most haha) but we are adjusting well.  Sydney is a good little helper but has a sassy side to her these days that we are hoping to kibosh quickly through this year 3.  Tyler is all about pushing buttons.  "Tyler don't push".....Tyler pushes then looks at you and smiles then runs off.  So time outs are something we do more of than not these days.  Wyatt is a sleeping champ.  He's going about 6 hours at night between feedings so I feel like I've been blessed with the sleeping fairy.  Love to all

Daddy chillin with is babes. 

My little guys, they are cuties!

Cousins are in town and just got up from nap so watching some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Z loved holding is baby cousin. 

Mamma looking at her little Wyatt

Daddy protecting Ty from body slamming his brother.

First nap in a crib upstairs....success

Wyatt and Beeno, who had the same due dates but are a month apart. 

Ty sizing up the situation

First bath.  Syd and Ty helped....needless to say Wy was screaming by the end and it was a quick bath time

Went to Roslyn for Herzog vacation and had a great time.  The kids are still trying to catch up on their sleep.  Pool time!

Starting to slow down but so fun in the splash pool

Mommy said no to hot tub time so they dipped their fingers in and pretended

Went to the river where the water was cold cold cold

Marshmellow roasting time

We've got our sticks, now what?

Ahhh this is what we do

A happy camper

Reading time with Grampy

Cousin picture

Hanging out with GAH staring at Wyatt

Cousin photo shoot preparation

Result....I so wish I was a better photographer but at least the kids are cute!

Reading time with Auntie Susie

Cousin Caitlin rocked Wy to sleep so mamma could eat

Cousin bath time.  Lots of legs and arms

First time in jungle gym mat.  He liked it and thanks to Aunt Keli for the awesome onesie

Youngest and oldest all passed out

Auntie Susie got us "month" onesies so here is our first one with all our loveys we received from friends and family.  1 month old baby Wyatt

Nigh Night time with daddy.  Reading time.  Now if only everyone would just sit there and read quietly would this picture really be truthful haha

1 comment:

Michelle said... from crazy town. Great update Sarah. Hugs!