Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well we got our snow storm and it's been so fun.  I'd say our neighborhood got about 5ish inches of snow overnight through mid morning.  It's still coming down but more like drizzly-snow now.  They say it's gonna start melting over night so we'll see.  Dressing the kids to go outside is seriously a huge ordeal and so many freaking layers.  For the love people, dress yourselves already!!!  I front packed baby Wyatt and he got to go down the sled a few times.  Now to say he enjoyed himself I wasn't sure but hey he didn't cry so we went with it.  And seriously before this snow melts I've gotta throw Wyatt out there to get a picture!!!
Playing in the powder

Then they came inside or some hot cocoa and made snowmen rice krispie treats


messy powdered sugar boy


4thelove! said...

well look at you Martha with your snowman treats!! super cute and that looks like so much fun! the video is priceless! love it!

kelsy said...

seriously impressed with the snowmen and the icecream you are the mommy i wish i could be!!!