Sunday, September 16, 2012

A few other September things to share

Just a few other things going on this month.  Tyler now has a big boy bed.  He's been crawling up and over for a while and finally told us he'd like to take the side off.  So far so good.  He doesn't get out much and hasn't fallen out.  Today he got up from his nap, went potty, put his big boy pants back on and found his daddy who is this kid??  This last weekend the kids also got to go to their first Husky football game.  They had a blast but when I tell you they were worn out they were WORN OUT.  Wyatt and I had a nice day together of me chasing him around everywhere haha (note screaming pic below with more details).

Ready to go to bed like a big boy
This little guy has thrown my mommy skills some.  He has quite the temper tantrum and when he flips out he now gets strapped into his high chair cause I just have NO CLUE as to what to do otherwise.  We are testing our boundaries nice and early with this one.....

1 comment:

4thelove! said...

ya know...still laughing over the baby torture shot! Poor little guy.. Auntie CC will show the love at Thanksgiving and we'll chat about how not to be crazy kid!