Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Week 19

It's Week 19 and 6 days and daddy finally felt me kick. His face lit up like the sun. I kick mom all the time so I'm not sure why he's just now feeling me. But either way I'm so glad, now he knows I'm for real and mom can start working on her names she has picked out.

Here is a belly pic at 19.5 weeks. At about 18 I finally started to pop some so yeah it's about time!!!

Here is daddy being silly showing his belly at 19.5 weeks after eating all my leftovers :)

We also got such a fun gift from Great Aunt Helen today in the mail. Aunt Helen when Scott opened this I was at work and his reaction was priceless. He thought it was just soooo cute, the daddy one that is. On the back of the I love daddy shirt, it has a little heart on the butt that says "and daddy loves me." I love it, he's really starting to enjoy this process. It's not all toast and cereal anymore haha. We'll post next week some of the cute things we got from Christmas to show off. Until then.....


Anonymous said...

Hey Baby Salsa.....just wait until you get bigger and you can push so hard on the inside of your moms belly that she will be able to see the outline of your foot! Just to let you in on a little secret, feeling my girls moving inside of me was the best part of being pregnant. It was so much fun playing name that baby part. So you keep kicking up a storm and remember to watch out for those organs you are lounging around on. Your mom is going to need those for awhile! Can't wait to meet you!!! Hugs!

Jonah Zane Herzog said...

Love the belly Uncle Scotty Bumps!

Anonymous said...

Hi Salsaette!! It's your fabulous aunt cc. I just put your valentines box in the mail! If I had a way of decorating it with Hello Kitty I would just so your mommy would scream!! I agree with cousin Michelle! feeling the movement is quite fascinating! Of course, towards the end it's a little alien creepy..but still special!! Bye for now!!