Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daddy's little Huskies

Pretty sure Scott's kids will bleed purple blood before he's done with them :)  It was the Husky football spring game.  We all got up, got dressed in our purple and headed down to the stadium.  They had the practice field all set up for the kids and boy did the kids have a blast.  Syd was so excited it was her first football game, she is her daddy's girl for sure.  They actually sat through about 2.5 hours all happy watching the game.  We did bribe with some serious snacks and hot dogs.  A great day had by all Husky fans.

We are ready for some football action daddy

Throwing footballs with daddy, but it ended up being how many can we collect instead

This how you do it little dude

Practicing her skills

Everyone running to the tackling dummies

We got it!!

Ty did this over and over and over and loved it

Jumping in the bouncy house

We were here for quite a while

Trying on an actual Husky helmet.  Syd would have nothing to do with it

All tuckered out ready to see some live football. 



okay that last picture is the cutest family pic ever! Syd is workin it with the head tilt for sure!

4thelove! said...

I agree...that last one of all of you is GREAT! Copy please!!