Friday, January 8, 2010

January edition

Happy New Year everyone! The holidays are over, all the decorations are put away and life is back to normal. January has already been pretty busy with me going back to work. I’ve very thankful that I’m still just part time so I’m in the office 2 days a week and then work a few hours from home outside of that. It’s nice to break up the week some and of course make some money again. Syd is becoming a busy busy lady these days and is so curious and wants to be in the middle of it all. Ty is almost 5 months now, time has flown by, and is just getting to be so much fun with his laughing and jumping and playing a bit more. He’s still so intrigued by his sister, doesn’t matter what she does he loves it and her. Enjoy the pics.

Daddy and Syd's cheerleading outfit, Husky of course. And no I didn't buy was a hand me down.
Cooking in the kitchen

Hey, is this my thumb?! I'm liking it.

A lot of times I put her in her high chair towards the counter while I'm making dinner and give her some stuff to "cook" in. It buys me at least 20 minutes.

Excuse me, I'm multi-tasking here

We love to watch the trash peps on Thursday mornings. So sad when they are done.

Ty is loving his jumperoo he got for xmas. He needs to start jumping to thin out those chunky legs of his.

All dressed and ready for our first gymnastics class. And yes I left the house without pants on. We were late and I use to do it when I was a gymnast....

After class all tuckered out. Had a blast and can't wait to go back.


Anonymous said... these pictures SArah! THe multi tasking is a favorite..who does that look like?? Please for the love ...put some pants on her before you walk out the door! Tyler is getting so big!!! cant wait to see you all! ~Aunt CC

Jonah Zane Herzog said...

LOVE the new pics!

4thelove! said...

I was so excited to see these new pictures....oh wait...have I seen these before? My bad...these aren't new.