Monday, February 28, 2011

Dress up - a new fun thing to do

Syd has discovered her box of dress up clothes and hasn’t stopped since.  Ty is game for it as well which is surprising but they seem to really love it.  We go from Kitty Witches to Woody from Toy Story and never slow down…..
Not sure about the Flinstone/Batman outfit mom....

Kitty Witch without hat

To a Pirate Batman

Quick superhero pose

Momma there in case the demand for a quick change

Ending with Woody for the evening


4thelove! said...

aunt cc will be on the look out for adding to dress up time. FUN!

4thelove! said...

...and ty doesnt look thrilled in picture number 1. its like he got last dibs in the toy box and was quite bummed from the lack of selection!