Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Christmas tree

Sunday was a busy day.  We got our christmas tree, it was the first one we looked weird is that.  The kids weren't the most cooperative so it was a sign we found our tree right off the bat.  We came home, painted some nails then decorated with hot chocolate.  They say a sugar high is not a true thing.....I beg to differ. 
Here we go, ready to start

One might think Ty is being tortured.  He wanted to watch the chainsaw in action but all I did was ask him to smile.....

more pouting and smiles from Syd

Ok seriously look at Ty then Scott.  SERIOUSLY could they look anymore alike. 

Wy Wy just bobbing with his mamma

Before dinner we painted our nails all different colors.  Ty woke and demanded the same

Time to decorate...aka pick up every breakable ornament.  My heart rate is still high from last night

handing his daddy some ornaments

checking out our finished product


kelsy said...

im so glad wy wore short sleeves to pick up the christmas tree! i wouldnt want him to be too hot!

and ty may be baby scott, but wy is baby sarah... he should have been wyatt sarah instead!

4thelove! said...

I mean really...could he not see chainsaw man before the picture? REGULATOR's RIDE!! poor little buy..Aunt CC would have let him!

4thelove! said...

poor little "guy". Funny about the Ty and Scott expression!!