Monday, December 14, 2009

Santa visit

On Friday we went to visit Santa. Got everyone dressed and headed to the dreadful mall. Santa needs to find better places to be because it seems like everyone is always at the mall!!! But it was worth this shot for sure. Ty just kept his eyes on us and you can see both of their little hands are all bunched up. I think it's a security thing for them. If I bunch my hand this will all end soon...haha We put Syd on Santa's lap last and she almost broke down but Scott and I were being overly dramatic with OMG you are on Santa's lap....WOW!!! Over and over and over hoping to get a good shot. So we got two not sure kiddos with Santa and that was fine by us. These pictures are always wonderful to have over the years.


Michelle said...

I think they are both getting ready to either punch you or Scott for forcing them to sit on the scary mans lap!

I was traumatized sitting on Santas lap as a child that I never made my girls do it. I think the two times they had their picture taken they were with Grandma!!!

4thelove! said...

I mean look at my Sydney and Tyler....poor little guys! If Aunt CC had been there I would have bought fun toys and played fun games for hours to minimize the quite evident TRAUMA going on here....